Bouteldja Belkacem
Bouteldja Belkacem was born in the year 1952. He is a Rai music writer, lyricist and a music composer from Algeria. source of picture:...
Bouteldja Belkacem was born in the year 1952. He is a Rai music writer,
lyricist and a music composer from Algeria.
source of picture:
Bouteldja Belkacem grew up in theEl hamri region of the Oran in the
country, Algeria. He is seen as a pillar of the contemporary Rai music in the
country, one of the people that modernized the rai music with Messaoud Bellemou
in the 1960s, and for the first time bringing in the use of accordion and the
synthesizer rather than drum and the flute. In the later part of the year 1969
he met with Messaoud Bellemou and the music collaboration they did will remain
in the hearts of the entire country until the end of the year 1979.
Ø Gatlek
Zizia (????, 1965)
Ø Hadi
França / Li Bik Bia (Chandor, 1967)
Ø Milouda
/ Serbili baoui (Chandor, 1966) (Casaphone, 1970)
Ø Milouda
Ø Gatlek Zizia (Cheikha El Wachma
Ø Serbili baoui
Ø Ya Rayi
Ø Hiya Hiya Wahrania
Ø Sidi el Hakem
Ø Taliya Rabi Bik Blani