Adonias Aguiar Filho
Adonias Aguiar Filho was born on the 27 th November 1915; he died on the 2 nd August 1990. He was a Brazilian writer and a novelist. He ...
Adonias Aguiar Filho was born on the 27th November 1915; he
died on the 2nd August 1990. He was a Brazilian writer and a
novelist. He was a member of the Academia Brasileira
de Letras.
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Aguiar Filho was born in the city of Itajuípe, Brazil; he
was the son of Adonias Aguiar and Rachel Bastos de Aguiar.
Two years after his
high school in the year 1936, Aguiar
Filho moved from the southern part of the city of Bahia to the city of Rio de
Janeiro, the capital city of the country at that time, and it was there that he
continued his career as a journalist of the country, which he previously began
in Salvador. He worked in a popular newspaper of the country called Correio
da Manhã. He also worked as a critic for a number of papers in the country.
Aguiar Filho ran the book publishing company called A Noite between the
year 1946 and the year 1950. He was also the director of the the
Serviço Nacional de Teatro in the year 1954 and the director of the Biblioteca
Nacional from the year 1961 to the year 1971, and at the same time, he was
working at the Agência Nacional which was at the Ministério da Justiça.
Aguiar Filho was elected to be the vice-president of the Associação
Brasileira de Imprensa in the year 1966 and in the following year, he was
elected to be a member of the Conselho Federal de Cultura. He was also
re-elected in the year 1969, in the year 1971 and in 1973. Aguiar Filho was the presidente of the
Associação Brasileira de Imprensa in the year 1972 and also the president of the
Conselho Federal de
Cultura from 1977 to 1990, which was when he
died. As
a writer, Aguiar Filho
looked for inspiration for his work called zona cacaueira.
Aguiar Filho was honored with the 21st chair at the Academy of
Letters of the country at the age of 53 on the 23rd May 1969. The
title was handed to him by Jorge Amado, a writer from Bahia also.
His works has been translated to many languages including English, German,
Spanish, French and Slovac.
Aguiar Filho died in Ilhéus, after the death of his wife.
Ø Renascimento
do homem - essay (1937)
Ø Tasso
da Silveira e o tema da poesia eterna - essay (1940)
Ø Memórias de Lázaro - novel (1952)
Ø Jornal
de um escritor (1954)
Ø Modernos
ficcionistas brasileiros - essay (1958)
Ø Cornélio
Pena - critique (1960)
Ø Corpo vivo - novel (1962)
Ø História
da Bahia - essay (1963)
bloqueio cultural - essay (1964)
Ø O forte - novel (1965)
romance brasileiro de crítica - critique (1969)
Ø Luanda
Beira Bahia - novel (1971)
romance brasileiro de 30 - critique (1973)
Ø Uma
nota de cem – children’s literature (1973)
Ø As velhas - novel (1975)
Ø Fora da pista - children’s
literature (1978)
Ø Auto
de Ilhéus – theater (1981)
Ø Noites sem madrugada - novel (1983).
Ø Premio Nacional de Literatura
(1975), from Instituto Nacional do Livro, in the category published work
(1974–1975), with the romance novel
"As velhas", and