Skënder Luarasi
Skënder Luarasi was born in the year 1900; he died in the year 1982. He was a student, an anti-fascist activist and a writer from Albania....
Skënder Luarasi was born in the year 1900; he died in the year 1982. He
was a student, an anti-fascist activist and a writer from Albania.
source of picture:
Laurasi was born in
Lauras if Kolonje province on the 19th January 1900. He was the son
of the Albanian patriot Petro Nini Laurasi from the Kostallari family of the
village of Lauras and Lino Sevo. Though his father Laurasi was a protestant,
yet he got the name Skender from the father, and the name is used to refer to
the Albanian National Hero called Scanderberg. Naim Frasheri was his godfather.
Laurasi did the first
studies in an Albanian language school of Negovan and Korce from the year 1909
to the year 1911. Subsequent to the death of his father who was poisoned, he
was sent to Robert College of Istanbul from the year 1912 to 1913. He continued
his education at the Easton Academy in the United States from the year 1914 to
the year 1916, International College in Springfield MA in the United States
from the year 1916 to 1918, Classis Gymnasium in Freistadt Austria from the
year 1922 to the year 1926 and he graduated from the Faculty of Philology at
the University of Vienna Austria in the year 1930. At the time of his return to
his country, Albania, from the year 1920 to 1922, he served as a teacher in the
schools that were opened by the Red Cross of US in Elbasan District of the
Laurasi began his
literary work since the year 1917. In the 1930s, he showed himself to be a
teacher, a critic, a journalist and a translator; he also distinguished himself
to be a playwright, a director and cooperator of many press periodicals. He was
once the chief editor of the periodicals called Studenti, in the year 1920 in
the US Djaleria, Austria, from the year 1927 to 1928 and Magazine called
Vullnetari I Lirise, Spain in the year 1930, along with Petro Marko. From the
year 1930 to the year 1936 taught at the Technical School that is located in
Tirana, Vlora and in Shkodra and he was there until he left the country for Spain
to join the International Brigades. Laurasi had been arrested and sent to
prison for three times by the Zogist regime of the country. He was arrested
also at the time of the Italian and German Occupation and he was interned in
many concentration camps, which included Vernet, Gurs, St.Cyprien, etc.
After the World War
II, he was elected to represent the Kolonje province of the Albanian Assembly
in the year 1945. Laurasi was among the initiators of the foundation of
Albanian League of Writers and Artists and he was also a member of the
Presidium until the November of the year 1949, which was when he was expelled
for many years from the league because of the anti-conformist behavior. Until
he retired from public service in the year 1967, he worked as a teacher and a
historian in the State Pedagogic Commission Qemal Stafa High School, the
Publishing Company of the Science Institute, Pedagogical School, "Jordan
Misja" Artistic Lyceum, and Faculty e History-Linguistics of the
University of Tirana, and it was there that he made the English Language the
major. Until the year 1982, he focused on the activity of publicists,
monographs, theatrical works, historical and literary studies.
was given the award of Flag Order in the year 1960 and the Honor of the Nation
in the year 1966 by the government of the country with motivation "For
distinguished patriotic, anti-fascist, democratic, literary, and educative
activity". Many schools in the country are bearing his name as the name of
the school.
died on the 27th January 1982.
Main works
Studies, monographs, momoirs
Ø Isa Boletini, short biography,
Prishtina, "Rilindja" 1972. OCLC 43365281
Ø Ismail Qemali, biography, Tirana,
Shtëpia Botuese e Librit Politik, 1972. OCLC 80727030
Ø Les soeurs Qiriasi, study,
Tirana, 1962. OCLC 79170189
Ø Kolonel Thomson, monograph
Ø Petro N. Luarasi, jeta dhe vepra,
study, Tirana, "Naim Frashëri", 1958. OCLC 560911213
Ø Migjeni, jeta dhe vepra,
study, Tirana, "Naim Frashëri", 1961. OCLC 462044090
Ø Gjerasim Qiriazi, jeta dhe vepra,
study, Tirana, Naim Frashëri, 1962. OCLC 28785711
Ø Sevasti Qiriazi, vepra,
Ø Në Brigadat internacionale,
memories, Tirana, Toena, 1996. OCLC 37228386
Ø Fjala shqipe, study, Tirana,
"Naim Frashëri", 1961. OCLC 462053473
Ø Fjala e lirë shqipe (publicistikë e studime),
Ø Kujtime historike, memoirs
Ø Kujtime autobiografike (Ç'kam parë e ç'kam dëgjuar),
autobiographic collection
Ø Tri jetë, Koloneli Tomson - Ismail Qemali - Isa
collection of biographies, Tirana, "Migjeni", 2007. ISBN
Theatrical plays
Ø Agimi i Lirisë (Freedom's Dawn)
Ø Stuhi në prill (Storm in April)
As co-author
Ø Zgjimi Kombëtar Shqiptar : 1878-1912 (Albanian
National Awakening), Stavro Skëndi; Skender Luarasi;
Nestor Nepravishta, Tirana, Phoenix : Shtëpia e Librit dhe e Komunikimit,
2000, ISBN 9789992742198
Translations to Albanian
Ø King Lear by Shakespeare,
Prishtina, "Rilindja", 1968. OCLC 503885742
Ø Richard III by Shakespeare,
Prishtina, "Rilindja", 1968. OCLC 503889228
Ø The Merchant of Venice
by Shakespeare, Prishtina, "Rilindja", 1968. OCLC 503895560
Ø Scanderbeg by Thomas Whincop,
Shtëpia Botonjëse "Naim Frashëri", 1967. OCLC 504060109
Ø Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens,
Prishtina, 1961, OCLC 558205528
Ø The Song of Hiawatha by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow, Tirana, 1960. OCLC 562688044
Ø Faust by Johann Wolfgang
von Goethe, Tirana, Ndërmarrja shtetrore e botimeve, 1957. OCLC 163308588
Ø Fuente Ovehuna by Lope de Vega,
Prishtina, "Rilindja", 1980. OCLC 441739925
Ø Götz von Berlichingen by Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe, Tirana, "Naim Frashëri", 1959. OCLC 43129221
Ø Intrigue and Love by Friedrich
Schiller, Tirana, Ndërmarrja shtetërore e botimeve, 1955. OCLC 796248147
Ø Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
by Byron, Tirana, Ndermarrja Shteterore e Botimeve, 1956. OCLC 248867971
Ø Emilia Galotti by Gotthold Ephraim
Lessing, Tirana, "Naim Frashëri", 1962. OCLC 72370973
Ø Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman,
Tirana, Ndërmarrja Shtetërore e botimeve, 1956. OCLC 660230353
Ø William Tell by Friedrich
Schiller, Tirana, Shtëpia botuese "Naim Frashëri", 1975. OCLC
Ø Albania: Its discontents and their origin
by Frederick Morton Eden (1865-1948), Tirana, Infbotues, 2011.