Erlet Shaqe
Erlet Shaqe was born in the year 1984. He is an engineer and a writer from Albania. He became popular for the novels and poetry that he wr...
Erlet Shaqe was born
in the year 1984. He is an engineer and a writer from Albania. He became
popular for the novels and poetry that he wrote, though he first was noticed
for the work of engineering and that of his research. In the 2010s, he
concentrated on the writing of short stories until the publication of the first
novel and the poetry book called Dashuri
e Pakthyeshme. In the year 2011, he became the founder of the AEA –
Albanian Energy Association and he is also the chairman. In the year 2009, he
was honored with an award from the Polytechnic University of Tirana for the
research work he did in the renewable energy in the country, Albania. He is
also known for the composition he did in electronic music of the country and
his philanthropy in various projects mainly in the E-learning and religious
charity in the country.
source of picture:
Shaqe was born on the
12th November 1984 in Korce, Albania. He is from an ancient Epirus
family that was set up in Follorina and Janina in the year 1818 under Pashalik
of Yanina. After the fall of Pashalik of Yanina, his family and close relatives
relocated to Vithkuq and Lubonja, and it was there that had land properties.
He schooled at the
faculty of Mechanical Engineering-Energy Branch at the Polytechnic University
of Tirana and later he took MBA. His novels
draw on the realistic history with passion and tragic love. He is the first
author to write on the life of Gustav Klimt, as well as his art work in the
language of the country.
His works has been
published in the language of the country.
Selected Works
These are the works
of Shaqe that have been translated to the English language
Ø Imagination - Novel (2011),
(Albanian: Imagjinata)
Ø Indian History - Novel
(2011) (Albanian: Një histori indiane)
Ø Vacation in Nice - Novel
(2011), (Albanian: Pushime në Nicë)
Ø Irreversible Love - Poetry - Novels
(2011), (Albanian: Dashuri e Pakthyeshme - Poezi-Novela)
Ø Energy Efficiency on building
(2010), (Albanian: Efiçenca energjisë në ndërtesa)
Ø Energy Application (2010)
(Albanian: Energjia dhe Aplikimet e Saj)
Ø Renewable Energy and Wind Energy
(2009), (Albanian: Energjia e Rinovueshme, Energjia e Erës)