Work Songs of Lithuania
Songs of the work differ greatly in function and age. There are some extreme old instances, which have retained their direct relation with...
of the work differ greatly in function and age. There are some extreme old
instances, which have retained their direct relation with the rhythm and
process of the work to be done. After sing the song of the work more of a
person’s feelings, experience and aspirations, the older work song more
accurately relate the different levels of the work to be done. They are divided
according to their purpose on the farm and in the home.
source of picture:
Herding songs:- the song of shepherd
are sung by children while song of the nightherding are sung by the adults. The
shepherding song shows the actual tending of animals, the social of children as
well as references to the olden beliefs. The raliavimai or warbles are also
singing form of melodies, distinguished by the vocal ralio, which is meant to
calm the animals. The raliavima does not have any set poetic or musical form
being free singings, unified by the refrains. Some of the warbles end in a
prolonged jubilation base on a major or minor third.
Rye harvesting songs:- The rye of
harvest is the central stage in the agricultural cycle. The mood is sad; love
and marriage are prevailing topics in them. The relationship of the family
between the parent and the children are often discussed with special emphasis
on the hard lot of the daughter-in law in a patriarchal family. The songs of
rye harvest have rhythmic and tonal structures in common, and confines to their
ancient time. Their special melodic pattern is determined by close linking to
ritual and the function of the work. The modal tonal arrangement of some of
these songs rotates around a minor third, while others are built on a major
Oat harvesting flax and buckwheat
pulling and hemp gathering songs:- harvesting oat song sing of the lad and the
maid of love and marriage as well as the work process involve the sowing,
harrowing, cultivating, reaping, binding, stacking, transporting, threshing,
milling and even the eating. Addition to the monophonic oat harvesting songs if
Dzukja, there are somewhat a few sutartines from the northern Aukstaitija which
are directly related to the job of growing oats.
Milling songs:- this genre can be
identified by the characteristic refrains and vocals such as malu malu and
zizui malui. They recommend the hum of the millstones as well as the rhythm of
the milling. The milling is done by the women and lyrics are about women’s life
and family relationship as well as the work itself. The milling songs are
composed, slow tempo and the melodic rhythm differs little.
Spinning and weaving songs:- songs of
the spinning the main topic is spinning itself, the spinner and the spinning
wheel while weaving songs mention the weaving process, the weaver, the loom and
the delicate linens. Some of the spinning songs are cheerful and funny while
others look like the milling songs which lament the women’s hard lot longing
for their homes and parents. The write up describes the work process, while the
refrains mimic the whirring of the spinning wheel. And also there are highly
special spinning sutartines, typified by clear and severe rhythms.
Laundering songs:- the refrain
sometime competes with the sounds of the beetle and mangle and also the laundering
tools. The songs often hyperbolize pictures of the mother-in-law’s outlandish
demands such as using the sea instead of a beetle and the sky in place of a
mangle and the treetops for drying.
Fishing and hunting songs:- the
fishing songs is all about the sea, the bay, the fisherman, his boat, the net
and they often call the seaside place names such as Klaipeda or Resne. The
feelings of the young people in love are often shown in the way that they are
special only in the fishing songs. The monophonic melodic is mainly of singing
the traditions of the seaside areas of Lithuania. Hunting motifs are extreme
clearly stated in hunting songs.
Berry picking and mushroom gathering
songs:-these are remarkable songs. The berry picking songs tell the young girls
how to pick berries, meeting boys and their discussions. The songs of mushroom
gathering can be funny, making light of the process of gathering and cooking
the mushrooms, telling the war of the mushrooms or their weddings.