Calendar cycle and Ritual Songs of Lithuania
There are songs recommended during the year while performing the right rituals. There are songs of Shrovetide and Lent, Easter swinging so...
are songs recommended during the year while performing the right rituals. There
are songs of Shrovetide and Lent, Easter swinging songs, and Easter song known
as lalavimai. The songs of arrival reflect the mood of staidness and reflection.
Christmas songs contain vocals like leliu kaleda, kaleda kaledzieka and kaleda
while the arrival songs contain vocals like aleliuma, leliumoj, aleliuma loda,
aleliuma rita and others. There are several typical melodic characteristics
associated with the Christmas ritual songs like the narrow range, dance
rhythms, a tonal structure based on Phrygian, mixolydian or Aeolian tetrachords
and three-measure phrases, a controlled slow tempo.
John’s Feast polyphonic songs are commonly known as kupolines which include
refrains and vocals such as kuole roze, kupolio kupolelio and kupolele kupolio.