Vocal Music of Lithuania
There are three olden patterns of singing in Lithuania linked with the ethnographical areas: monophony, multi-voiced homophony, heterophon...

are three olden patterns of singing in Lithuania linked with the ethnographical
areas: monophony, multi-voiced homophony, heterophony and polyphony. The monophony
mainly occurs in the southern (Dzukija), southwest (Suvalkija) and the eastern
(which is Aukstaitija), which are parts of the Lithuania. The multi-voiced homophony
widespread all over the Lithuania and it is the most archaic in Samogitia. Also
the traditional vocal music is held in high esteem on a world scale: the song
of Lithuanian fests and sutartines multipart songs are on the UNESCO’s
representative list of the masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of