Popular Music of Ivory Coast
The Gbegbe, a Bete songs has been a part of the famous music since the Ivory Coast gain independence which promoted by Soeurs Comoe and la...
Gbegbe, a Bete songs has been a part of the famous music since the Ivory Coast
gain independence which promoted by Soeurs Comoe and later Freres Djatys and
Sery Simplice. The Ernesto Djedje, however, is seen the father of Ivorian
famous music. Using the folk songs of the Bete, as well as his teacher Amedee
Pierre’s dope pattern, Djedje has long been a promoter for Ivorian music,
railing against the Congolization of the Abidjan scene, outside the Ivory
Coast, the Djedje is best recognized in 1977s Gnoantre- Zibote, which was the
pan-African hit and initiated some success in France and Canada and also he
plays a type of music which is called ziglibithy.
source of picture: blog.wfmu.org
Djeje, very few Ivorian has been able to receive the same level of recognition,
Luckson Padaud’s laba laba style, which is the same as the Bete ziglibithy that
have had some success.