Gulse: Folk Music of Croatia
The gusle music is played with the traditional cord instrument, this is mainly initiated in the epic poetry with the emphasis on the signi...
gusle music is played with the traditional cord instrument, this is mainly
initiated in the epic poetry with the emphasis on the significant historical or
patriotic events, this is the traditional instrument inland Dalmatia and of
Herzegovina, the part of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the predominant Croatia
source of picture:
gusle players are known for their glory of outlaws like hajduks or uskoks of
the long gone Turkish reign or exalting the current heroes of the Croatian War
of Independence, Andrija Kacic Miosic, a well-known 18th century
author, had also song in verse in form of the traditional folk poetry
(deseterac, ten verses).
for the current gulse players in Croatia, the person that particularly stands
out is Mile Krajina, Krajina is a prolific folk poet and gulse player that
gained cult status among some conservative bands. There are also several other
important Croatian gulse players that perform at different event like folk
festival throughout the Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.