Diple: Folk Music of Croatia
The diple is a traditional woodwind musical instrument that is used in Croatian music, sometime it is called Mih, mjeh, mjesina or only di...

diple is a traditional woodwind musical instrument that is used in Croatian
music, sometime it is called Mih, mjeh, mjesina or only diple, it is also
played from the Istria, Lika over the Dalmatia Island and Coast to Herzegovina
Mih, it is made up of tanned goat or sheep skin and it is comprises of a dulac
or kanela through which the air is blown and diple (chanter) in which it is played.
Inside the mih on the chanter, two single-blade reeds are placed. Unlike the
bagpipes, Mih does not have a trubanj or bordun (drone). While they are very
similar, the mih it is from different parts of Croatia still differ in types of
chanter, in the position of holes or in some tiny detail.