Tonada Music of Chile
The Tonada is another significant form of Chilean traditional song that rose from the music brought by Spanish populace, this differentiat...
Tonada is another significant form of Chilean traditional song that rose from
the music brought by Spanish populace, this differentiated it from cueca by an
intermediate melodic section and more rich melody in general; the tonada is
also not danced. There have been many brands who took the Tonada as their main
way of expression, like Los Huasos Quincheros, Los Huasos de Algarrobal, Los de
Ramon and others. Other less is known patterns like the Sirilla, the Sajuriana,
Refalosa, Polka.
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to 1970 showed the rebirth of the folk music which was led by the groups like
Los de Ramon, Los Cuatro Huasos, and Los Huasos Quincheros among others. It also
appeared that Chilean folk music singers like Raul de Ramon, Violeta Parra,
Luis Aguirre Pinto, among others who rose up folkloric music have done the
research in this area and also in the Latin America music. Margot Loyola is
another famous Chilean musician and folk composer who has been a known and
active researcher of the folklore of Chile and in general of the Latin America.
Bianchi Alarcon is an accomplished Chilean singer, pianist, and a director of
Los Coros y Orquesta Chileno. In the year 2004, he was awarded the Premio a lo
Chilno and he is also well-known for his work with Pablo Neruda. Chile also has
significant singers like Alfonso Leng, Pedro Humberto Allende, Domingo Santa
Cruz and others. And the great pianists that came from this country such as
Claudio Arrau, is said to be one of the greatest pianists of the 20th
century, also Rpsita Reneard and Alferdo Pearl, one of main significant
clavecinist of our days Lionel Party was also born in Chile. In this country
there are also composers like Ramon Vin ay, Cristina Gallardo-Domas, Victoria
Vergara and Veronica Villarroel.