Talempong: Indonesia musical instrument
A talempong is a small kettle gong that gives its name to an ensemble of 4 or 5 talempong and other gongs and drums. The name of the instr...
A talempong is a small kettle gong
that gives its name to an ensemble of 4 or 5 talempong and other gongs and
drums. The name of the instrument can refer to the musical instrument, the
ensemble or the genre of music that the instrument is played with.
source of picture: websiteindonesia.blogs..
The talempong is a traditional music
of the Minangkabau people of the western Sumatra, Indonesia. The musical
instrument manufacture a static texture made up of interlocking rhythms.
The musical instrument was brought
into Negeri Sembilan, Malay Peninsular by the people of the Western Sumatra in
the 14th century. Here the instrument is called caklempong.
The musical instrument can be used to
play much music, including the modern and traditional music. The instrument
have been used in some experimental gamelan pieces composed at Sekolah Tinggi
Seni Indonesia Surakarta, as there are teachers and scholars from the Western
Sumatra there.