Sursingar: India musical instrument
The sursinger is a musical instrument that is seen in India. The musical instrument is a lute-derived sarod, except it is bigger in size a...
The sursinger is a musical instrument
that is seen in India. The musical instrument is a lute-derived sarod, except
it is bigger in size and manufactures deeper sound. The musical instrument
precedes the sarod chronologically.
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The neck of the musical instrument
has a metal fingerboard and the steel and bronze strings are performed with a
metal plectrum. The bridge of the musical instrument is produced of a flat
horn. The musical instrument has two resonant boxes; the main box of the
musical instrument is produced from a cut pumpkin, on which a wooden cover is
The main body of the musical
instrument is produced of wood and not of leather. The sound producing
mechanism of the musical instrument is formed by a gourd. The gourd is fixed to
a hollow wooden handle. The handle of the instrument is covered sometimes with
a metal plate to facilitate the glissando. The musical instrument has four main
strings and four rhythmic drones called chikari. The strings of the instrument
are manufactured of brass rather than a cat gut in the earlier versions of the
musical instrument. These modifications resulted in the increase of resonance
in the musical instrument and thereby leading to the popularity of the