Swarabat: India musical instrument
The swarabat is a plucked string musical instrument that belongs to the southern India. The musical instrument has a body that is produced...

The swarabat is a plucked string musical
instrument that belongs to the southern India. The musical instrument has a
body that is produced of wood on which a skin is spread. On the top of the
skin, a bridge is placed upon the silk strings of the instrument pass. The strings
of the musical instrument are plucked with the use of a plectrum. The tone
quality of the musical instrument is analogous to that of a bass rubab. Some
personages who have performed the musical instrument are Parmeswara
Bhagavathar, Baluswami Dikshitar, the Raja Swati Thirunal, Veene Seshana, and
Krishna Iyengar.
source of picture: metmuseum.org