Sanj: Iran musical instrument
The sanj is a metallic percussion musical instrument that is analogous to the cymbal, but it is much bigger in diameter. The musical inst...
The sanj is a metallic percussion
musical instrument that is analogous to the cymbal, but it is much bigger in
diameter. The musical instrument is in the form of cup-shaped plates or
bell-shaped plates. Other names of the musical instrument are Zang Chalab and
source of picture:
There are many theories about the
name of this musical instrument, but sometimes for sure it is a Pahlavi word.
By some accounts, the name of the instrument means weight and it is possible
that the original name for the musical instrument was sanjkub meaning striking
weight. By some other accounts, the name of the instrument is reform version of
the Zang, referring to the belle-shaped plate.
The musical instrument was made up of
normally cup and sometimes bell-shaped round plates of different alloys, mainly
brass or thin. The earliest record of the usage of this musical instrument in
the Persian literature is of Ferowsi’s masterpiece, Shahname. The musical
instrument was referred to as a military instrument and was used by the legendary
Iranian King, Q-mars.
In Hamzehnameh that draws upon an
enormous range of myth, literature and history, refers to the musical
instrument as the instrument of Q-mars. In other Persian literary works of
Safavid era, the musical instrument was used as a lamentation musical
instrument, specifically during the Ashura. The musical instrument gradually
was used in the ‘stone beating’ symbolic rite that is still prominent in many
parts of the Iran accompanied by special songs.
During the Ashura festivals, usually
two pieces of stones are beaten on the sides of the mourner by special ways and
movements accompanied by lamentation melody. Apparently because of the physical
damage caused by the stones on the body, wood sticks are simultaneously
replacing the use of stones. Lately rather than to use stone beating, some
other terms like the sanj playing, Karbzani or Karebzani and ratchets are used.