Akan: Ghana musical instrument
The Akan drum is a drum that was made in the West Africa and later was found in the colony of Virginia in the Northern America. The drum i...

The Akan drum is a drum that was made
in the West Africa and later was found in the colony of Virginia in the
Northern America. The drum is now the oldest African-American object in the
British museum and also the oldest surviving in any part of the world. The
musical instrument is a reminder of all three continents’ participation in the
estimated twelve million people transported across the Atlantic as part of the
slave trade.
source of picture: nairaland.com
The musical instrument is produced of
two varieties of wood that are native of the sub-Saharan Africa, Baphia and
Cordia Africana. The later fine-grained hardwood is popular because of its
ability to be carved and its resonance that makes it suited to musical
instruments. The skin of the instrument came from a deer hide and was spread
over the wooden structure with the use of vegetable fibre.
The drum was produced in the Ghana
region of the western Africa between the 1700 and 1745, and was assumed to have
travelled to America following a slave ship on board. As the slaves left their
homes with nothing, it is assumed that the drum was brought inside the ship by
a member of the crew or by a son of the African chief who had sold the slaves
for transportation. To exercise their captives, the slave traders would dance
the slaves. It was backed up that this was the reason why the drum was
transported. The word Akan means to the culture of the Ghanaians known as the
people of Asente, Fante and Akuapem today.
This exact drum was adopted in
Virginia by Rev. Clerk on behalf of the British collector Sir Hans Sloane.
Sloane had travelled all through Jamaica and had observed at first hand slaves
performing musical instruments including those that were to evolve into the
musical instrument known as banjo. He gathered examples of the tools of slavery
and other artifacts that included this musical instrument. Erroneously, Sloane
and Rev. Clerk thought that this musical drum was produced by the American
In the 1906, curators at the British
museum found out that the drum could not have been produced by the Native Americans,
but must have been manufactured in Africa. In the 1970s, the musical instrument
became possible to use expertise from Gardens Kew to find out that the wood was
grown in Africa. The musical instrument is thought to have formerly been
produced for a musician in the orchestra of African chief.
This musical drum was chosen to be
featured in A history of the world in 100 objects, a series of radio programs
that began in the year 2010 as a partnership between the British museum and the
BBC. The musical drum has also been used as a lead object in a special display
at the museum called ‘From Africa to America; drumming, slavery, music’ in
2010. The exhibition looked at how the musical instrument was used in dances of
the slaves, but also as an example of the collision of cultures that was
produced by the slave trade that suddenly led to jazz and rock and roll. The
owners of the slave were not sure of how they should treat the African music.
On some plantations, musical drums are not allowed to be played.