Samba: Type of Popular Music in Brazil
In the 1929, this was encouraged by the opening of the first radio station in Rio de Janeiro, the so-called radio period started sprea...
the 1929, this was encouraged by the opening of the first radio station in Rio
de Janeiro, the so-called radio period started spreading the song especially
the novelty Sambia in it recent format to a large masses. This time was
dominated by small male interpreters, notably; Almirante, Brabuinha, Mario
Reis, Silviko Caldas, Francisoc Alves and the composer Noel Rosa and even small
chanteuses like the Aracy de Almeida and the sister Aurora Miranda and Carmen
Miranda, who eventually came to Hollywood and became a movie star. The famous
music includes the instruments such as cucas, tambourines, frying pans (which
played with a metal stick), flutes and guitar, the main Sambia singers at this
recent stage include Noel Rosa and plus Lamartine Babo and around the World War
II period, Ary Barroso.
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