Karinding: Indonesia musical instrument
The karinding is a traditional musical instrument that comes from the West Java, Indonesia. The musical instrument is often produced from ...
The karinding is a traditional
musical instrument that comes from the West Java, Indonesia. The musical
instrument is often produced from bamboo and the midribs of palm tree. The
musical instrument produced from palm midribs are traditionally used by the
male players and the version of the instrument that is made from the bamboo is
often used by the female players of the musical instrument.
source of picture: traditionalmusicinstru..
Initially, the version of the musical
instrument that was used by the ancestor to repel pest in rice pest in rice
field, due to the low decibel sound from the musical instrument can disturb the
insect hearing.
To play the musical instrument, the
player of the instrument will have to place the instrument between the two
lips, then one end of the instrument beaten with the finger, so that the
vibrations take place in the middle. The rhythm of the musical instrument
determined by the movement of the tongue and lips, and that became the media
echo reflector karinding vibration. The voice of the instrument is like a big
frog in the middle of rice field.