Folk music of Antigua and Barbuda
During the era of the French colonial rule, Africa slaves were banned from celebrating in Carnival which continued so long, secretly at th...
the era of the French colonial rule, Africa slaves were banned from celebrating
in Carnival which continued so long, secretly at the home. The Afro-Caribbean
style of drumming, dance and song known as Benna developed. After then, the
Antiguan and Barbudan folk music became more subjugated by Trinidadian calypso
and steel pan.
the old time of Christmas festival was culturally important in celebration,
which substituted in 1957 by a Trinidadian in spired carnival. The then
Antiguan Christmas festival includes many elements that have been accepted into
the modern carnival.
Christmas festival traditions comprise the music and dance, a special thing
that is related to masquerades and iron bands. The dancers wear banana leaves
and animal horns that took part in the John Bull, while carolers paraded with
long poles covered in laterns, known as the carol trees, song followed by the
concertina. Stilt dancers in robes, called the Moko jumbie, Jumpa-Ben or long
Ghosts, which is also common and were accompanied by kettle and bass drums,
fife, triangle (cling-a-ching) and the boompipe made from the plumbing joint
one meter long.
(or bennah) is an exciting Antiguan folk music was introduced by the following
ban of slavery. Songs are usually focused on the shocking and coarse rumours
and gossip, and were in a call and response form with a leader and the