Messaoud Bellemou
Messaoud Bellemou is a musician from Algeria. He is one of the most influential performers of the contemporary rai music in the country. H...
Messaoud Bellemou is a musician from Algeria. He is one of the most
influential performers of the contemporary rai music in the country. He is
known as the father of rai music in the country. He started his musical career
with the playing of the trumpet, though soon he became popular for the addition
of the foreign musical instruments like the saxophone, the violin and the
accordion to the music genre. In the year 19074, he coined the term pop-rai to
explain the new generation of chebs and chebats, with the introduction of new
musical instruments in the country. He released one of the first records of the
new genre of music along with Belkacem Bouteldja.

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