Djamel Laroussi
Djamel Laroussi is a musician, songwriter, a composer and guitar player from Algeria. source of picture: Lar...
Djamel Laroussi is a musician, songwriter, a composer and guitar player
from Algeria.
source of picture:
Larousi was born in the country, Algeria, relocated to Cologne, Germany
to participate in the Cologne Academy of Music. In the year 1997, he dropped
his first music album called Sapoutaly that he dedicated to his late mother. He
sings in the Algerian Arabic, French and Kabyle Berber.
Studio albums
Ø Sapoutaly (1997)
Ø Etoile Filante (2003)
Ø 3 Marabouts (2007)
Live albums
Ø Live (2004)