Mit’hat Frashëri
Mit’hat Frashëri was born on the 25 th March 1880; he died on the 3 rd October 1949. He was a diplomat, a writer and a politician from A...
Mit’hat Frashëri was born on the 25th March 1880; he died on
the 3rd October 1949. He was a diplomat, a writer and a politician
from Albania. He is the son of Abdyl Frasheri, one of the most prominent
activists of the Albanian National Awakening. He participated in the Congress
of Monastir in the year 1908 and he became the president of Balli Kombetar in
the year 1942. He is seen as the father of Albanian Nationalism.
source of picture:
Frasheri was the son
of a popular politician in the country, Albania and a statesman from the 19th
century. His father, Abdyl Frasheri started the movement of a wide autonomy
from the Ottoman Empire. He is the nephew of nationalists and poets, Naim Frashëri
and Sami Frashëri. He was born in Janina
and was raised in Istanbul. His family arranged the national movement of the
country, Albania in Istanbul. He gave up his studies of Pharmacology and served
the ottoman administration in the Vilayet of Salonika from the year 1905 to the
year 1910. With the use of a pen name, Lumo Skendo, he started the publication
of a weekly newspaper, Lirija in Saonika, and that lasted until the year 1910.
He took part in the Congress of Monastir in the year 1908 and he started
editing a monthly magazine called Diturija in January of the next year.
He was among the 50
delegates that assisted in formulating the modern alphabets of the country.
Frasheri was made the vice chairman of the commission. He was also selected as
the chairman of the congress and Parashqevi Qiriazi was made the chairwoman of
the commission if the formulation of alphabets and that was responsible for the
organization of many proposals of the alphabet.
He died of a heart
attack at the Lexington Hotel on the Lexington Avenue, which is in New York
City of United States, and he was buried in Ferncliff Cemetery in New York, US.
Frasheri’s library of
some 20,000 volumes, which was the biggest at that time in the country, was
seized by the new regime that came I nto authority in the country. The library
consisted of albanological works that was inherited from Franz Nopcsa von
Albania declared independence from the Ottoman Empire:
"Until now the
Albanians have lived very little for themselves; their activity, their blood,
their talents have profited their neighbors. They have consecrated their best
for the good of others. Now they must live and work for themselves, for their