Lutfi Lepaja
Lutfi Lepaja was born on the 20 th May 1945 in Bajcina, which is a village that is near Podujevo, DFR Yugoslavia. He wrote more than ten ...
Lutfi Lepaja was born on the 20th May 1945 in Bajcina, which
is a village that is near Podujevo, DFR Yugoslavia. He wrote more than ten
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Published works
Ø Parimi i Pritjes,
Ø Përqafim i padukshëm,
Ø Kona,
Ø Tepër Serioz,
Ø Gëte ka të drejtë,
Ø Granias Lament,
Ø Shkollë për specialistë,
Ø Ngutja në jetë,
Ø Valëza e Lumit,
Ø Zero zero,
Ø Zinxhiri i këputur,
Ø Panairi i ideve,
Ø Kopili,
Ø Ruleti kosovar,