Hasan Zyko Kamberi
Hasan Zyko Kamberi was a writer of Albanian literature. source of picture: www.pineska.net He was born in the 2nd part of the 18th...

Hasan Zyko Kamberi
was a writer of Albanian literature.
source of picture: www.pineska.net
He was born in the
2nd part of the 18th century in Starje, a village in the southern part of
Albania, which is near Kolonja at the foot of the Mount Gramoz. All that is
known of his life is that he participated in the Turkish-Austrian Battle of
Smederevo on the Danube east of Belgrade in the year 1789. He died a dervish.
He is one of the most
commanding people that are representing the Muslim tradition in the literature
of the country, even though the main work he did, which is a 200-page mecmua
has been lost.