Dhimitër Shuteriqi
Dhimitër Shuteriqi was born in the year 1915; he died in the year 2003. He was a scholar, a literary historian and a writer from Albania. ...

Dhimitër Shuteriqi was born in the year 1915; he died in the year 2003.
He was a scholar, a literary historian and a writer from Albania.
source of picture: sq.wikipedia.org
Shuteriqi was born in Elbasan in a patriotic and intellectual family. His
father was Simon Shuteriqi, who was a participant in the Literary Congress of
Monastir in the year 1908 and Congress of Elbsan in the year 1909, and also one
of the founding members of the Shkolla Nornmale e Elbasanit. Shutriqi went to
the secondary school that is located in Korce and he studied at the University
of Grenoble and Lyon in France. He taught in a school that is in Elbasan from
the year 1942 to the year 1943. He started his act of writing from the year
1930 and became an influencial literary historian at the time of the communist
dictatorship. He was also a member of the parliament for several years, he was
the president of the Albanian League of Writers and Artists from the year 1950
to the year 1973 and he was also a member of the Academy of Sciences from the year
1973. Shuteriqi is remembered for the research works he did in the fields of
literature, history and folklore, especially for his standard histories and
anthologies of the literature of the country.
The first poetry he wrote was called Kosava and it was inspired by the
Romanticism until the year 1943, when he moved over to Realism and later to
Socialist Realism. The book was published in the newspaper called Kosova of the
Albanian community of Constanța,
Romania, in the year 1933.
Ø Kangët e rinisë së parë (Songs of first youth),
Tirana, 1935
Ø Historia e letërsisë shqipe në tre vëllime (History
of Albanian literature in three volumes), Tirana, 1959, OCLC
Ø Metrika shqipe për shkollat e mesme dhe të nalta
(Albanian metrics for high schools and universities),
Prishtina, 1968, OCLC 504188538
Ø The lute and the rifle,
Tirana, 1965, OCLC 29799716 (translated by Ali Cungu)
Ø Mbi krahn' e praruar të paqës. Poem dhe vjersha të
tjera (Over the golden wings of peace), Tirana, 1950, OCLC
Ø Récits, Tirana, 1969, OCLC
Ø Antologjia e letërsisë shqipe për shkollat e mesme
(Anthology of Albanian literatury for high schools),
Tirana, 1955, OCLC 792785485, Prishtina, 1970, OCLC 42419307
Ø Shkrimet shqipe në vitet 1332–1850 (Albanian
Writing in the Years 1332–1850), Tirana, 1976, OCLC 4167459
Ø Mësuesit dhe Atit: Poezi dhe prozë shqipe kushtuar
emrit të J.V.Stalinit (To the teacher and father: Poetry and prose dedicated to
the name of J.V.Stalin) (as editor), Tirana, 1953, OCLC
Ø Vepra (Work), as editor, author:
Andon Zako, Tirana, 1957, OCLC 557917931
Ø Sytë e Simonidës : pluhurat e shenjtëruar (The
eyes of Simonida: the holy dusts), Tirana, 1998, OCLC
Ø Tekstet shqipe dhe shkrimi i shqipes në vitet
879-1800 (Albanian text and writing of Albanian language in the years 879-1800),
Tirana, 2005, ISBN 9789994381708
Ø Këngë në minierë : tregime dhe përshkrime
(Songs in the mines: stories and narrations), Tirana, 1968, OCLC
Ø Naim Frashëri, jeta dhe vepra (Naim Frashëri, life
and work), Tirana, 1982, OCLC 23767244
Ø Aranitët (Aranites), Tirana,
2011, ISBN 9789994317295 (Prepared by Zana Shuteriqi Prela)
Ø Marin Beçikemi dhe shkrime të tjera (Marin Beçikemi
and other writings), Tirana, 1987, OCLC 28931320
Ø Le Chant et le fusil. (Récits),
Tirana, 1963, OCLC 32411583
Ø Maratonomaku ynë : tregime (Our
Maratonian : stories), Tirana, 1977, OCLC 18981763
Ø Çlirimtarët (Liberators),
Tirana, 1952, 1955
Ø Ura në Tepelenë (Bridge in Tepelena),
Prishtina, 1979, OCLC 17274535
Ø Autorë dhe tekste (Authors and Texts),
Tirana, 1977, OCLC 15286239
Ø Deshmi parabuzukjane të fjalës shqipe (Pre-Buzukian
testimonies of Albanian words), Tirana, 2010, ISBN 978999561039
Ø Këngë (Songs), Tirana, 1961, OCLC
Ø Petro Korçari, kryearkitekt i Ali Pashë Tepelenës
(Petro Korçari, chief-architect of Ali Pashe Tepelena),
Tirana, 1978, OCLC 18107084
Ø Shpati i Sipërm: gjurmime rreth kulturës popullore
(Shpati i Sipërm: research on the folkloric culture),
(as co-author), Tirana, 1987, OCLC 18588537
Ø Gjurmime letrare (Literary research),
Tirana, 1974, OCLC 54162415
Ø Vërshimet e vjeshtës (Autumn floods),
Tirana, 1984, OCLC 18225289
Ø Nga kënga e popullit (From people's song),
Tirana, 1991, OCLC 40498914
Ø Buka dhe thika: tregime të zgjedhura (Bread and
knife: selected stories), Tirana, 2002, ISBN 9789992750094
Ø Si atë ditën e parë: poezi (Like that first day:
Tirana, 1984, OCLC 18224377
Ø Rruga e Rinise (Youth's way),
Tirana, 1953, OCLC 43138928
Ø Nëpër shekujt letrarë : studime (Through the
literary centuries: studies), Tirana, 1973, OCLC 24372993
Ø Moti i madh: përmbledhje shënimesh e dokumentesh
për historinë shqiptare të viteve 1379-1479 (The big year: collection of notes
and documents for the Albanian history of years 1379-1479),
Tirana, 2006, ISBN 9789992759967
Ø Poezia shqipe: nga origjinat e gjer më sot
(Albanian poetry: from its origin till today), Tirana,
1965, OCLC 43143845
Ø Një mal me këngë (A mountain of songs),
Tirana, 1975, OCLC 5733202
Ø 'Kënga
dhe pushka: tregime (Song and rifle: stories), Tirana, 1963, OCLC 28785438
Ø Te qafa e botës: tregime (At the neck of the world:
Tirana, 1986, OCLC 17769145
Ø Gurnecka: tregime (Gurnecka: stories),
Tirana, 1957, OCLC 660244021
Ø Fyelli i Marsiasit, dhe tregime të tjera (Marsias
flute and other stories), Tirana, 1953, OCLC 80732707
Ø Kur rendte hëna nëpër re: tregime (When the moon
was hovering through the clouds: stories), Tirana, 1982, OCLC
Ø Pesë tregime (Five stories),
Tirana, 1953, OCLC 252881071
Ø Historia e letërsisë shqiptare: që nga fillimet
deri te Lufta Antifashiste Nacionalçlirimtare (History of Albanian literature:
from the start till the National Liberation Anti-Fascist War)
(as co-author), Tirana, 1983, OCLC 14167733
Ø 60 tregime ne nje (60 stories in one),
Tirana, 1979, OCLC 832605712
Ø Mbi Barletin dhe shkrime të tjera (On Barleti and
other writings), Tirana, 1979, OCLC 63333127
Ø Andon Zako-Çajupi - biography
(conference material), Tirana, 1950, OCLC 52763695