Rock Music of Paraguay
Many of the world-renowned genres of music such as rock are fairly new in the Paraguayan music scene. It is because of the fierce dictator...
of the world-renowned genres of music such as rock are fairly new in the
Paraguayan music scene. It is because of the fierce dictatorship enforced by
previous President Alfredo Stroessner during his order from 1954 to 1989, in
which he restricted all types of liberal expressions. In spite that, a few rock
orchestras were established in the 70s such as The Blue caps and The
Aftermad’s. This music was restricted until the fall of Stroessner’s in the
year 1989 that rock orchestras appeared. Chris Patik, El Templo, Enemigos de la
Klase, Shaman, Dogma, Turkish blend and Slow Agony were renowned orchestras in
the 90s. In the new millennium, Paraguayan rock ensembles have achieved a
strong following thanks to the big rock festival like Quilmes rock and Pilsen
rock which draw around 60,000 audiences for very version. The ensembles have even
drew some international achievement by touring all over the Latin American and
even making small shows in the United States. The very renowned rock ensembles
as of now include Flou, Ripe Banana Skins, Rolando Chaparro, Area 69, Gaia,
Paiko Salamandra and NOD. The main rock ensembles are Steinkrug, Black Manzana,
220 Voltios Sucios y Desprolijos and Alto Voltaje.
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