Music Events in Croatia
The Slavonian town Pozega that hosts the well-known folk music festival, Zlatne zice Slavonije (which is cthe golden strings of Slavonia),...
Slavonian town Pozega that hosts the well-known folk music festival, Zlatne
zice Slavonije (which is cthe golden strings of Slavonia), which has make musicians
release a new songs with far reaching influences in recent time include the
American bluegrass.
source of picture:
towns of Vinkovci and Dakovo, also in Slavonia that host the yearly folklore
festivals (Vinkovacke jeseni and Dakovacki vezovi), where the folk music is also
listened as part of the tradition, the town of Slavonski Brod holds a yearly
festival that is known as the Brodfest, where several of the great tamburica
groups come together to play.
Dubrovnik Summer Festival puts a dramatic music and ballet, it was initiated in
1950, and the Osor Musicial Evenings was established in 1976 and then take place
in July and August. It is played by the classical Croatian masters. The Musical
Evening in Donat takes place in the summer in Zadar, it was established in 1961
and also plays an old music.