Modern Changes in the Music of China
These are kinds of changes that began after 1912 coinciding with the new China, much of what westerns and even the Chinese now seen to be ...
are kinds of changes that began after 1912 coinciding with the new China, much
of what westerns and even the Chinese now seen to be the music in the
traditional Chinese pattern which is in fact less than 70 years old. As with
all other things in the New China the development of Chinese music has been
seen as the wholesale adoption of the western forms and values, this having a
profound effect on the performance and the sound of the Chinese music.
Recently, the western equal temperament is used to tune the traditional
instruments seemingly the less harsh and more peace according to the recent
tunings, but which robs the instruments of their traditional voices, to ears
that is now used to hear the recent tunings, even Chinese ones, traditional
tunings sound out of tune and conflicting. Also, there has been a desire to get
a greater vibrancy and loudness with the instruments (not to mention long) so
for instant the cord instruments are no longer strung with the silk but with
source of picture:
rare with the music traditions of other Asia cultures, like the Persia and
India, one strand of the traditional Chinese music comprise of a list of traditional
melodies with their tempo and ornamentation differ according to the mood of the
instrumentalist, the audience, and their reaction to what is being played, the
same as the melody which can be used to serve several different roles be it
merry, melancholic or martial (it is the glimpsed in the love theme of the
Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto, where
the same melody at separate places in the lover’s story shows elation,
turbulence and sadness). Several recent performers now play pieces by following
a score in a standard way rather than in the changeable shows of individual way
of tradition, it can be at the time of lead which is to feel the performance
has been rushed.
there is a tradition of massed instruments in the ritual court music which is
called yayue for the most part music was usually played by a handful of the musicians,
and even in the yayue a single lead melodic line was favoured. The
establishment of Chinese musical group and the massed schooling of instrumentalists
had led to the desire to make music for them to play, the resulting new music
and ranges of traditional songs being more polyphonic in nature.
acceptance of the western musical notation, time signatures, the conservatory
system of teaching, and the use of massed instruments in imitation of the
western group has on the other hand helped to keep and sustain one element of
the Chinese music and broadcast it to the audiences, yet a continuing desire to
compete with and equal of the western tradition has been the tradition of the
Chinese music so much as to be in danger of losing much of its own identity.