Light Classical Music of Denmark
One of the main universal known pieces of Danish music is the Jalousie Tango Tzigane in 1925 that is composed by Jacob Gade, this has been...
of the main universal known pieces of Danish music is the Jalousie Tango
Tzigane in 1925 that is composed by Jacob Gade, this has been used in several
films, like the classical Danish sex comedy I Tvillingernes tegn in 1975, which
is the centrepiece of a big nude dancing production number set in the year 1930
and Sally Potter’s the Man Cried in the year 2000 with Johnny Depp playing a
gypsy in the year 1920.
source of picture:
better position is occupied by Bent Fabricius Bjerre in 1924, who has written
the music of Danish films in television series like Matador in his highly
individual pattern. The signature tune of Alley Cat quickly won the
international recognition in the same class as Gade’s tango.