Contemporary Music Composers in Denmark
In addition to those that specializes in rock, folk and electronic music, Denmark has a number of current composer who have gain ground in...
addition to those that specializes in rock, folk and electronic music, Denmark
has a number of current composer who have gain ground in writing a classical
music that covers a variety of genres, among the most successful are;
Per Norgard who was
born in 1932 that have composed works in all major genres: six operas, two
ballets, seven symphonies and other pieces for group, many concertos, choral
and vocal works, an huge number of chamber works, ten cord quartets and many
solo instrumental works. The conductor Sergiu Celibidanche once precisely
expressed the importance of Norgard’s large scale, flatless creation: only the
mind of the new ear of the new millennium that will able to understand the
scope of Norgard’s music.
source of picture:
Anders Koppel (born in
1947) have had an extremely had different career in rock, classical and world
music. He has produced the music for eight ballets with the Danish Dance Theatre,
50 theatrical plays and for more than 100 movies.
Poul Ruders born in
1949 was known for the international music he has written for the choir,
chamber groups, and also solo instruments that are regularly performed outside
of Denmark.
Hans Abrahamsen born in
1952 is one of the most recognized current composers whose works have change
from his former new simplicity style leading to his international success.
important current composers include Bent Sorensen, Pelle Gudmundsen Holmgreen (which
both are the winner of the Nordic Council Music Prize) and Frederik Magle
(compositions for the Danish Royal Family)