Lavani Music of India
Lavani rooted from the word Lavanya which means beauty. It is one of the most famous forms of dance and music that is practiced all over t...
rooted from the word Lavanya which means beauty. It is one of the most famous
forms of dance and music that is practiced all over the Maharashtra. This fact
becomes a necessary part of the Maharashtrian traditional dance performances.
Traditionally, the songs are sung by the female musicians, but male musicians
may occasionally sing Lavanis. The dance pattern associated with the Lavani is
called Tamasha. Lavani is a mixture of traditional song and dance, which is particularly
performed to the enchanting beats of Dholaki, a drum like instrument. Dance
performed by attractive women wearing nine-yard saris. They are sung in a quick
tempo. The vitality, the enthusiasm, the rhythm and above all the very beat of
India finds an expressive declaration among the traditional music of India, which
has somewhat, redefined the term bliss. Lavani initiated in the arid area of
Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.
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