Joropo Music of Orinoquia Region of Colombia
The musica iianera is a harp-led kind of music from Los LIanos famous throughout Colombia; this includes the traditional joropa musical pa...
The musica iianera is a harp-led
kind of music from Los LIanos famous throughout Colombia; this includes the
traditional joropa musical pattern, which is known for the verbal contests that
is called contrapunteo. The artists in this genre which include Alfredo Rolando
Ortiz (born in Cuba), Alma LIanera (band), Grupo Cimarron (band), Lius Ariel
Rey, Carlos Rojas, Sabor LIIanero, Arnulfo Briceno, and Orlando Valdemarra. It
is a particular kind of music which is also famous in Venezuela due to the
shared llanos, it is seen to be the national music of Venezuela.

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