Jazz Music of Croatia
The jazz was evoked in the 1920s and flourished in Zagreb by the late 2000s, and this made it a regional centre for the jazz, in 1947, the...

jazz was evoked in the 1920s and flourished in Zagreb by the late 2000s, and
this made it a regional centre for the jazz, in 1947, the jazz group of radio
Zagreb was established, and lives on today as the HRT Big Band. In 1959, the
vibraphone player Bosko Petrovic, who was like the most popular Croatian jazz
musician that initiated the Zagreb jazz quartet. Today there are a fair number
of the active jazz bands in Croatia, different cities that host the jazz
festival. The jazz has left its mark on the Croatian pop scene over the years,
most important in the works of Drago Diklic and occasionally Josipa Lisca.
source of picture: www.likecroatia.com