History of Music in Cuba
The music of Cuba include the instruments and the dances that is influenced mostly by African, European (especially the Spanish) and to a ...

music of Cuba include the instruments and the dances that is influenced mostly
by African, European (especially the Spanish) and to a lesser extent Chinese
music, the main forms of the recent day are fusions and combination of these
sources that is mainly the first two. For example, the son montuno merges the
Spanish guitar, melody, harmony and the poetic traditions with the Afro-Cuban
drums and rhythms. Though nothing remains of the real Indian traditions, since
the 19th century Cuban music has been higher famous and powerful
throughout the world, it has been perhaps the most well-known form of the world
music since the initiation of the recording technology. Cuban music had been
hugely powerful in other countries, this contributed not only to the
development of the jazz and salsa, but also to the Argentine tango, Ghanaian
high life, West African Afro-beat, Dominican Bachata and Merengue, Colombian
Cumbia, Spanish Nueevo flamenco, Arabo-Cuban music is created by Michel
Elefteriades in the 1900s in different form of pop music all over the world.
source of picture: www.ritmobello.co