History of Music in Colombia
The Colombian music is an expression of the Colombian culture, which contain different music genres, traditional and moderns, according to...

Colombian music is an expression of the Colombian culture, which contain
different music genres, traditional and moderns, according to the features of
each geographic area, while this is frequent to find the different musical
patterns in the same region. The diversity of the musical expressions established
in Colombia can be seen as the result of the combination of Africa, native
indigenous, European (especially the Spanish) powers, as well as a more current
American and Caribbean musical form Cuban, and Jamaican.
source of picture: www.sgm.org.my
the globalized world, several musicians are fusing traditional music with other
pattern (which is usually styles from the famous music genres). While it is not
necessarily a bad thing, this is no longer a traditional music since it is not
entirely based in the local culture, being powered by the music that is has
been fused with. As a result of the traditional music problems to be found in a
pre-commercial setting, although the traditional music continues to develop
today, but generally as a continuation of the music from a pre-globalised
styles such as vallenato and porro were especially influential, when the waltz
became the famous in the 19th century, a Colombian version known as
pasillo was made.