Dholak Music of Fiji
The most Dholak player is Sashi Roy who is one of the leading exponents of Dholak playing and he was also born in Nadi, Fiji. He has joine...
most Dholak player is Sashi Roy who is one of the leading exponents of Dholak
playing and he was also born in Nadi, Fiji. He has joined the new technique of
playing the dholak tarang pattern-playing with playing multiple dholaks tuned in
different ways in unison and he is one of the most recognized soloists in this
art form, he is recently living in Ednmonton, Canada, the current era,
Shailendra Prakash Sharma is particularly commended in this art-form. He has
also performed with a range of artist both in local music and in the Bollywood
during the shows and he also plays a number of local albums especially in Fiji
Bhajan and Fiji kirtan.
source of picture: ringroundtheworld.or