Pop Music of Fiji
In the year 1980, the Fiji performers such as Laisa Vulakoro and Lagani Rabukawaqa became the pan-Pacific stars, Vulakoro is particularly...
the year 1980, the Fiji performers such as Laisa Vulakoro and Lagani Rabukawaqa
became the pan-Pacific stars, Vulakoro is particularly famous for her part in
madding vude, a famous pattern that joined disco, country and island music
especially the meke song and the rock and roll. Other recent performers include
the bands of Nuku Katudrau, Karuna Gopalan, Black Rose, Danny Costello,
Michelle Rounds, Serui Serevi, The Freelancers and Emosi Lomata is popular across
Fiji for his ongoing compositions albums releases over 30 years since the age
of 11 and the recently he perform in Australia in the year 2008 with his band
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