Currulao Music of Colombia
This is one of the most African influenced patterns in all the Colombia, and it has its roots among the Afro-Colombian/African-descendant/...
is one of the most African influenced patterns in all the Colombia, and it has
its roots among the Afro-Colombian/African-descendant/Back people of the
Pacific coast. In its most basic form,
the currulao it is played by an orchestra of about four musicians.
source of picture:
of the musicians plays a 6-8 rhythm on a drum which is known as a cununo which
superficially look-like the alegre drum (used on cumbia) to the untrained eye,
but is narrow and taller. This Currulao rhythm is made by both striking the
skin of the drum with one’s hand and tapping the side of percuss with a small
second musician keeps the time on a shaker that is known in parts of the
Colombia as a guasa (goo-ah-SAH) or guache (goo-AH- cheh) which is typically a
hollow cylinder made by the metal, wooden, or guadua bamboo, that is filled
with light seeds, rice which is sometime used in home- made guasas.
the main instrument of the currulao pattern is possibly the Colombian marimba,
a wooden xylophone which look-like as the African balafon which is also for the
style of playing. Several groups in the Colombia perform this as a traditional
pattern of music, currently the most well-known groups like Grupo Socavon,
Grupo Gualajo, and Grups Bahia Trio. A well well-known figure among the old marimbero
of the masters in Colombia New York, on the east coast (New York) and the Aluna
group in the west coast (San Francisco), in 2010, the Currulao has been added
to the UNESCO repertoire of the Masterpieces of the oral and intangible
heritage of humanity.
Pacific genres are;
- Abozao
- Aguabajo#andarele o Amancer
- Arrullo
- Bambabara Negra
- Bambuco Viejo
- Berejú
- Boga
- Bunde Chocoano
- Caderona
- Calipso Chocoano
- Chigualo o Gualí
- Contradanza Chocoana
- Danza Chocoana
- Jota Chocoana
- Juga
- La Caramba
- La Madruga
- Makerule
- Mazurka chocoana
- Pango o Pangora
- Patacoré
- Polka Chocoana
- Porro Chocoano
- Pregón
- Romance
- Salve
- Saporrondón o Sapo-Rondó
- Son Chocoano
- Tamborito Chocoano
- Tiguarandó
- Villancico Chocoano