Classic Music of Costa Rica
The Costa Rican youth also has the symphony group, that initiated by the ex-President Jose G-Figueres Ferre in the year 1970. Concertian A...
Costa Rican youth also has the symphony group, that initiated by the
ex-President Jose G-Figueres Ferre in the year 1970. Concertian Ana Ganriela
Castro-Robsabal was the first 4 year old child that directed the Costa Rican
youth Symphony groups into the tuning in the 1970s Debut, and the first four
year old violin soloist that plays Mozart under the direction of the director
Gerald Brown. The violinist Ana Gabriela Castro-Rosabal, who is master in
violin performance, was the key performer for the youth symphony groups Debut
in the year 1970. La nina violinist title was given to her due to the fact that
she was so small that she use a wooden box created by her father Enrique, to
rest her feet, the wooden box became the symbol of how the young talent four
years old violin concertina was.
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