Byzantine Music of Cyprus
The music of the byzantine of the Island is influenced also by the Byzantine music, Demetriadis, which is also known as the Kasavetis, and...
music of the byzantine of the Island is influenced also by the Byzantine music,
Demetriadis, which is also known as the Kasavetis, and was a Cypriot deacon in
Constantinople when Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople that was his uncle
Yerasimos from 1794 to 1797. A secular rhythm lamenting Death’s preference for
the young, written and set to music by him that was alive in a collection by
Nikiforos Nattouniaris. Chrysanthos of Madytos, Gregory the Protopsaltes, and
Chourmouzios the archivist were engage for a reform of the notation of the
Greek clergy musical, especially, this work comprised of the simplification of
the Byzantine musical signs, by the early 19th century, had become
so difficult and technical that only highly skilled chanters were able to
interpret them rightly.
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