Aerophones instruments of Ethiopia
In the islands, the traditional cord instruments include the masenqo (which is also known as masinko), a one cord bowed lute, the krar (wh...
In the islands, the traditional cord
instruments include the masenqo (which is also known as masinko), a one cord
bowed lute, the krar (which is also known as krar), a six-cord lyre and the
begena, a large ten-cord lyre also the dita (which is five-cord lyre) and
musical bow (which include an unusual three-cord variant) are among the
chordophones that is found in the south.
source of picture:
The washint is a bamboo flute that is
rare in the highlands, trumpet like instruments that include the ceremonial
malakat used in some of the areas, and the holdudwa (which is an animal horn,
which compare shofar) found mainly in the south. The Embilta flutes does not
have finger holes and it only produce only two tones, the fundamental and the
fourth or fifth interval. These maybe metals (which are generally found in the
north) or bamboo (in the south), the konso and other tribe in the south play
fanta, or the pan flutes.