Tangmuri: India musical instrument
The tangmuri is a double-reed conical bore wind musical instrument that is used by the Hynniew Trep people of Meghalaya state in the north...
The tangmuri is a double-reed conical
bore wind musical instrument that is used by the Hynniew Trep people of
Meghalaya state in the north-eastern part of India.
source of picture: de.wikipedia.org
The musical instrument is used by
musicians playing for traditional dances. The instrument is also used for other
traditional rituals like the cremations that are performed according to the
indigenous religion of the people, Niam Khasi. The musical instrument delivers
a very high pitched sound when it is being performed by the player of the
musical instrument.
The tangmuri is made up of a tuned
conical bore wooden chanter that is about 20 cm long, having 7 finger holes on
the front and a different flared turned 15cm long wooden bell that is fixed to
the chanter of the instrument by a push-fit. The double reed of the instrument
is tied onto a thin conical bore metal tube that is about 3 cm long, which is
coiled with the thread to hold the reed in place in the chanter.