Dance Patterns of Belize
In the supplement to their music traditions which lies on the Garifuna songs and dance patterns, which are integral part of their cult...
In the supplement to their music traditions which lies on the Garifuna
songs and dance patterns, which are integral part of their culture. These songs
and dance patterns that are performed by the Garifuna display a wide range of
the subjects such as the work of the song, social dance, and ancestral culture.
The work song which include the Eremwu Eu, is sung by the women that
prepare the making of cassava bread, and the Laremuna Wadauman, a song men
regularly sing when they are collectively working together.
In term of song and dance in the social context, the piece like the
Guchei are quite customary, in this dance pattern the men take turns dancing
and each women are different. Another very well-known dance style performed by
the Garifuna in Belize is known as Punta music. Also, according to the one Garifuna
author this pattern is, the most prominent dance performed at wakes, holidays,
parties and other social activity. It consists of the various couples
attempting to dance more patterns and seductively with the hip movement than
other competitors.