Rud: Iran musical instrument
The rud which is a local language of Persia is a Persian stringed musical instrument. The word rud means “string.” The word has been menti...
The rud which is a local language of
Persia is a Persian stringed musical instrument. The word rud means “string.”
The word has been mentioned in classical Persian works of literature that was
done by Rudaki, Hafez, Naser, Khusraw, Sanai, Ferdowsi, Nizami and Qatran
Tabrizi and many other unmentioned poets. The Arabic Ud whose etymology has not
yet been well explained may have been derived from the Persian word rud as
stated by the Persian poem Ferdowsi.
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Many researchers have found out that
the first sample of this musical instrument were made of the pumpkin and that
the strings were produced from silk and animal guts. The structure of this
instrument differs from that of other stringed instrument as skin of fish is
pulled over half of the body’s surface and other part is produced of pine.
Primarily, the musical instrument was played the fingers but later, plectrum
made from a softer material was adopted for playing the instrument. The body of
the instrument is produced of the mulberry wood and apricot wood, the neck and
head are made of nut wood and the pegs are of the pear wood. 12 frets are
fastened to the fret-board of the musical instrument and the quality of the
sound is very low. The instrument which has a total length of 860mm has the
length of the body as 495mm, 335mm wide and 170mm high. The length of the neck
is 285mm.
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