Ney: Iran musical instrument
The ney is an Iranian or Persian end-blown flute, which figures prominently in the music of the Middle East. In some of these musical trad...
The ney is an Iranian or Persian
end-blown flute, which figures prominently in the music of the Middle East. In
some of these musical traditions, this is the only wind musical instrument that
is in use. The musical instrument has continuously been performed for about
4,500 to 5,000 years now, making the musical instrument one of the oldest
musical instrument that is still very much in use in the modern day.
source of picture:
The Persian nay is made up of a hollow
cylinder with finger holes. Sometimes, a brass or plastic mouthpiece is placed
at the top of the instrument to protect the wood from getting damaged, but this
performs no role in the production of sound from the musical instrument. The
ney is made up of a piece of hollow cane or reed that has 5 or 6 finger holes
and one thumb hole. Modern versions of the musical instrument could be produced
of a metal or plastic rather. The pitch of the musical instrument differs
depending on the region and the finger arrangement on the ney. A highly-skilled
player of the ney could reach more than three octaves, but it is more common to
have many helper neys that will cover different pitch ranges or to enhance
playing technically difficult passages in other magams.
Turkish and Arabic versions of the
musical instrument have about 7 holes; 6 holes in the front of the instrument
and one thumb hole in the back of the musical instrument. The typical Persian
version of the musical instrument has 6 holes; 5 holes in the front of the
musical instrument and one thumb hole in the back of it.
The intervals between the holes in
the ney is a semitone, but microtones are reached through partial covering of
the hole, alters of embouchure or positioning the angle of the musical
instrument. Microtonal inflection is common and important to different
traditions of the taqsim.
The neys are carved in different
keys. In the Arabic system, there are 7 common ranges; the longest and the
lowest-pitched of all of them is the Rast that is approximately equivalent to C
in the Western equal temperament system, this is followed by the Dukah in D,
the Busalik in E, followed by the Jaharka in F, followed by the Nawa in G, the
Hussayni in A and then followed by the Ajam in B. skilled players of the
musical instrument will typically own a set of many versions of the ney, but it
is possible to perform fully chromatically on any version of the musical
instrument. A slim exception to this rule is seen in the end lowest range of
the musical instrument, where the fingering is seen to be so complex and the
change from the first octave to the second octave is rather difficult.
The ney in the Arab world is
traditionally used in pastoral areas, showing a preference for smaller, higher
pitched versions of the instrument. Commonly, the lower-pitched versions of the
musical instrument are used in scholastic and religious surroundings. The Turks
used the longer versions of the ney reflecting a preference for graver sounds.