Musical Instruments of Bhutan
The instruments that is used in both the traditional and the modern genres of the Bhutanese music includes the following, the lingm (w...
instruments that is used in both the traditional and the modern genres of the
Bhutanese music includes the following, the lingm (which have six- holed
flute), the chiwang (which is the Tibetan two- stringed fiddle), and the
dramnyen (which is similar to that of the large three0stringed rebec); the
modern musicians they often update these instruments for the use in rigsar.
traditional instruments include the tangtang namborong (which is the four-holed
bamboo bass flute), the kongkha (which is the bamboo mouth harp), and the gombu
(which is the bull or buffalo horn), the recent instruments include the yangchen,
which is brought from the Tibet in the 1960s, while the Bhutanese traditional
music often employs stringed instruments, while the religious music usually
does not. For many centuries, Bhutanese folk music is almost never incorporated
into the famous music.