Ajayu: Chilean musical instrument
The ajayu is a stringed musical instrument that is found in Chile. The musical instrument has 12 strings in 5 courses which are tuned A A,...

The ajayu is a stringed
musical instrument that is found in Chile. The musical instrument has 12
strings in 5 courses which are tuned A A, E E, A A, C# C# C#, F# F# F# or C C,
G G, C C, E EE, A AA. The strings of this instrument are produced of steel.
source: pacoweb.net
The sound board of the
instrument is split laterally and longitudinal with the use of strips of darker
wood, probably searching for a particular sound instead of an ornament to use.
The appearance is analogous to a bandolin that is found in Ecuador, the
Peruvian Marimacho Bandurria and specifically the ‘Laud’.