Bongos Drum: Barbados musical instrument
Bongos are Afro-Cuban percussion musical instrument, the drums has different size, the larger drum is called hembra (female) while the sma...
Bongos are Afro-Cuban
percussion musical instrument, the drums has different size, the larger drum is
called hembra (female) while the smaller drum is called macho (male) in Spanish
language. These are membranophones that produce sound by a vibration of the
forceful extended membrane.
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The bongo has its root
from the eastern region of Cuba called “oriente” in the 19th
century. The bongos that were used in changüí, also known as bongó el monte are larger and tuned lower
than their fellow modern counterparts. They also have tact-head instead of
tunable hardware and play in a way that is similar to rumba quinto. Bongos are
used in a related Cuban musical genre that is known as ‘son.’ This musical
instrument came to Cuba at the 20th century when son migrated to the
capital city of Havana. With the arrival of the son montuno in the later part
of 1930s, the bongo players started playing a large hand held bongo bell during
the chorus section of their songs.
The bongo drum gives out comparatively high-pitched sound compared to
Women’s drums and should be held behind the knees using a large drum on the
right when right-handed. The musical instruments are often played by hand but
when it is used in the art music compositions they are usually struck with drum
sticks. They are played traditionally by striking the edge of the drumhead with
the fingers and palm of the hand or sticks. The glissando used with the bongo
de monte is done by the process of rubbing the third finger which is supported
by the thumb across the head of the drum, and the finger can sometimes be
moisture with sweat or saliva before rubbing it across the drum head. The drums
can also be kept on a stand as the player is playing it, as is the case with
the concert orchestras and bands.