khene is a mouth organ that originated from Laos. The pipes of the musical
instrument are often manufactured of bamboo and are connected with the use of a
small hollowed-out hardwood reservoir. And this reservoir is the hole into
which air is blown into the musical instrument to manufacture a sound that is
analogous to that of a violin. In the contemporary days, the musical instrument
is used by the Lao of Laos and the northeastern part of the Thailand, analogous
musical instrument that has been traced back to the Bronze Era of the
Southeastern Asia. In Cambodia, the musical instrument is used among the ethnic
Lao population of the province of the Strung Treng and also it is used in lakho
ken, a Cambodian dance drama genre that features the musical instrument as the
premiere musical instrument.

most interesting thing about this musical instrument is the free reed of the
instrument that is manufactured of brass or silver. The musical instrument is
associated to the western free-reed musical instrument like harmonium, the
concertina, the accordion and also the bandoneon that were developed starting
in the 18th century from the Chinese musical instrument called
Sheng, a related musical instrument, a specimen of which had been taken to the
St. Petersburg in Russia.
musical instrument uses pentatonic scales in a mode or two modes, each mode
with three possible keys. The musical instrument has 5 various lai or modes.
The Lai Yai that is tuned A C D E G, the Lai Noi that is tuned D F G A C, the Lai
Soutsanaen that is tuned G A C D E, the Lai Po Sai that is tunedC D F G A, and
also the Lai Soi that is tuned D E G A B. the musical instrument can be
performed as a solo musica instrument, as part of a group or ensemble or as an
accompanying musical instrument to the Lao or Isan folk opera musician mor lam.
to Lao fable, the musical instrument was
constructed by a woman who was attempting to remanufacture the reverberation of
the garawek bird that she heard
while she was on a walk one special day. The expedition was long and hard, so
she determined to fabricate a musical instrument that would bring the sound of
the bird to her. When she went back to her village, she tested with several
diverse musical instruments, including percussion musical instruments, wind
instrument as well as the plucked instruments and bowed strings musical
instruments. At last she cut a portion of bamboo and fixed a reed into it. Atop
playing the musical instrument, she found out that the instrument sounded much
like the voice of the garawek bird. She persistently continued to develop the
sound of the instrument until she sensed that the instrument was valuable for
the king's ears. When she was ready to perform for the King, she moved to the
palace and started playing the musical instrument for the king on her newly
fabricated musical instrument that was nameless at that point. At the end of
the first song she was playing, she asked if the king liked the music. He said
it was fair, and told her to keep on playing. After the last song she was
playing to the King, she asked the king again if he was delighted. The King’s
reply was "Tia nee kaendae” that means "This time it was
better." He then told the woman to call the musical instrument, according
to his words he said, the kaen.
musical instrument has seven tones per octave, having intervals that are
analogous to that of the Western diatonic natural A-minor scale which is: A, B,
C, D, E, F, and G. the musical instrument can be manufactured in a specific keu
but cannot be tuned after the reed of the instrument is set and after the
cutting of the pipes. If the musical instrument is performed together with some
other musical instrument, the other musical instruments have to tune to the