Salim Dada
Salim Dada was born on the 7 th May 1975 in Laghouat, Algeria. He is a musician, a composer and a musicologisy from Algeria. source o...
Salim Dada was born on the 7th May 1975 in Laghouat, Algeria.
He is a musician, a composer and a musicologisy from Algeria.
source of picture:
Dada was born in the Algerian Sahara; he was a painter when he was
He learned to play the classical guitar and the oud, contrabass, the
mandole the kwitra and the percussion musical instruments. He studied harmony,
Western and the Eastern musical theory and showed many works for the guitar
solo and tiny ensembles between the years 2002 and 2005, he organized a cycle
of musical writing in school of distance learning polyphonies with the music
composer called Jean-Luc Kuczynski in France, and the
Institut National Supérieur de la Musique in Algiers and this happened in the class
of the academician called Golnara Bouyagoub. At that period, he got his Ph.D
from the faculty of Medicine in Algiers. From the year 2008 to the year 2010, a
bursary from the government of Italy permitted him to study conducting with the
Guido Guido Maria at the State conservatory called Guiseppe Verdin in Turin. In
the year 2010, he was in Paris, France for some research in the musicology at
the Sorbonne.
He was nominated as
the composer in the residence with the national Symphony Orchestra of the country
in the year 2007 and that helped him in the creation of the 7 compositions and
conducting of the 30 concerts in two years. Dada’s music catalogue distances 20 symphonic works, a dozen scores for the
strings and the chamber songs and many pages for the solo musicians. He has as
well forged his voice and the musical instruments of the traditional Arab music
for the theater and the movie.
He was a composer
member of the SACEM; and his music compositions has been given awards in some
competitions and showed n some events like the 57th “Bayreuth Festival Junger
Künstler” that came in the year in 2007, the festival of the
“Euro-Mediterranean Youth Orchestra” that was in Damascus in 2008, the 7th Arab
composers festival “Arab Perspectives” in Cairo, Settembre Musica “MITO 2009”
at Milano, “PAN 6”, which was in Amsterdam. In the year 2010: Terrassa48's tour
in Catalonia Enmig de terra; la Mediterrània ,3rd International
festival of Cultural Diversity at UNESCO-Paris, 4th Perinaldo Festival and
Festival “Est Ovest” that was in Italy, in the year 2011, “Hommage à la
Méditerranée" by Divertimento at the Cité de la Musique and
festival “Label Sorbonne” in Paris. In 2012, “Ice Breacker VI” in Seattle and
the initializing of the 2012-2013 concert season at the Cité de la musique of
Paris for celebration of the 50th anniversary of the independence of
the country, Algeria.
Dada’s works has been
played by orchestras and ensembles in the country and outside the country like
the; Orchestre Symphonique National Algérien, Calefax Reed Quintet of the
Netherlands, Seattle Chamber Players,
Ensemble Conductus] di Merano, Xenia Ensembleand the Fiarì Ensemble from
Torino, plus the Orchestra del Perinaldo Festival,Arab Youth Philharmonic
Orchestra, Euro-Mediterranean Youth Orchestra, Cairo Symphony Orchestra, Qatar
Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestre Symphonique Divertimento, Orquestra Terrassa48
de Cataluña, Orchestra Internacional “Pequeñas Huellas” di Niños para la Paze,
and Conservatorio di Torino.
He is seen by the
press as a bridge between the East and the West, and his music was normally
said to be a message of peace and dialogue between the Arab-Muslim world and
Ø Tableaux d’une vie arabe,
Symphonic poem (2012), 10’
Ø Afri, African rhapsody
for big orchestra (2012), 18’
Ø Ouverture Dzaïr, for orchestra
(2011), 7’
Ø Hal Dara, Mouwashah for Arab
singer, oud, douf & strings orchestra (2010), 12’
Poem of Ibnou Sahl Al-Andaloussi
Ø Ettawous (the peacock),
Symphonic dance (2010), 4’
Ø Miniatures Algériennes,
Five pictures for strings orchestra or string quartet (2010), 18’
Ø Aurore de Djurdjura
Ø Danse Zaydan
Ø Crépuscule sur la baie d’Alger
Ø Danse de la jument
Ø Soirée au Hoggar
Ø Lounga Dil, Symphonic dance
(2009), 8’
Ø Dance of Blue Man, Symphonic dance for
ney & orchestra (2008), 5’
Ø Bent Essahra (Girl of Sahara),
Symphonic dance for ney & orchestra (2008), 4’
Ø Love Song, for String
orchestra (2008), 8’
Ø Freedom Dance, Sirto nekriz for
string orchestra (2007), 4’45
Ø Ashwaq (Passions), Sama‘i
nahawound for orchestra (2007), 9’
Ø Lounga Nahawound, Symphonic dance
(2007), 7’
Ø Fantaisie sur un air Andalou,
for flute & orchestra (2006), 8’
Ø Souvenirs d’enfance, Symphonic poem
(2004), 7’
Chamber music
Ø Lisse Strié", quintet for flute, clarinet,
violin, cello & percussions (2012), 7'
Ø Raqsat al-Faras (Dance of Mare), for
flute and harp (2010), 5’
Ø Zaydan Dance, for woodwind
quintet: oboe, clarinet, soprano saxophone, bass clarinet & bassoon(2009),
Ø Fine dell’ inizio, String quartet n. 1
(2009), 11’
Ø La fine
Ø L’inizio
Ø Conversations, 12 duets for two
violinists (2008 - 2009), 22’
Ø Accordage
Ø Comme un tango !
Ø Philatélie
Ø Canon Zaydan
Ø Troubadours
Ø Caresses et Grattages
Ø Accords et des-Accords
Ø Musette ...
Ø Et amusette !
Ø Vagues et Cascades
Ø Contrepoids
Ø Fantasia et Baroud
Ø Amusette, for violin and
piano (2006), 4’
Ø Histoire de la montagne d’olivier,
octuor for guitar solo, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, violin, viola et
violoncello (2006), 6’
Ø Gharnata, for guitar duet
(2001), 6’
Solo works
Ø Vagues et Cascades, daily exercise for
harpsichord! (2012), 1’
Ø Istihlal, prelude for guitar
solo (2011), 1’
Ø Taqsim, improvisation for
alto saxophone (2011), 6’
Ø Zammara, Libyan’s dance
& improvisation for piano (2010), 5’
Ø Sama‘i, for harpsichord
(2010), 9’
Ø Miniatures Algériennes,
five pictures for piano (2009), 15’
Ø Taqsim nahawound, for guitar solo
(2005), 6’
Ø Au chemin du retour, for classical
guitar (2005), 4’
Ø En souvenir de Bach, for harpsichord
(2004), 1’30
Ø Nostalgie, waltz for classical
guitar (2004), 3’30
Ø Histoire de la montagne d’olivier,
for guitar (2004), 4’
Ø Ya Qalbi (Oh ! my
heart), for classical guitar (2003), 4’
Ø Musette, for acoustic guitar
(2001), 1’40
Ø Hommage à J.S.Bach, for classical
guitar (2001), 6’ 30
Ø Tendresse, for classical
guitar (2000), 3’
Ø Chôros, for classical
guitar (1999), 3’
Ø La ballade méditerranéene,
dance & improvisation for guitar (1999), 3-11’
Ø Trois pieces pour guitare,
for classical guitar (1999), 5’
Ø Hésitation
Ø Berceuse
Ø Tournade
Takht arabi
and traditional instruments
Ø Waslat al-Ashwaq, suite for vocal
soloists, chorus and Arabic ensemble (2005-2006), 60’
Arabic poetry by Muslims sufist poets
fromVIII° to XV°: Hassan Bnou Thabet/ Ibrahim Bnou Ali Al-Housri/ Ibnou Sahl
Al-Andaloussi/ Safiyou’eddine Al-Helli/ Lissanou’eddine Bnou’al-Khatib/ Ibnou
Nabateh Al-Misri.
Ø Sama‘i Nahawound
Ø Mouwashah Agharrou Alayhi
Ø Mouwashah Ya Hal Bakaitou
Ø Taqasim: oud, qanoun
Ø Mawwal
Ø Mouwashah Hal Dara
Ø Lounga Nahawound
Ø Mouwashah Shouqqa Djaiboul Layli
Ø Mouwashah Jadakal Ghaythou
Ø Mouwashah Ma Massa
Ø Sama‘i Rahat al-Arwah, for Arab
traditional ensemble (2006), 6’
Ø Malentendu, for violin, oud,
guitar & contrabass (2000), 5’
Ø Dhikra (Memory), for Arab
traditional ensemble (1998), 4’
Ø Ben Boulaïd (2008), film music
for orchestra (2008), 55’
Directed by Ahmed Rachedi, product by
Ministry for Moudjahidines and Mycene Balkis Films (Algeria)
Ø Hamlet Without Hamlet, music for theatre
Arabic text by Khaza’al al-Majidi,
scenography by Hamza Djaballah, product by Annawares troup (Algeria)
Child music
Ø Marcia per la pace, hymn for child
soloists, mixed choir and young symphonic orchestra (2009), 5’
Text written by Salim Dada in Arabic,
Italian & French, translate to English, Spanish and others languages.
Ø To my Fatherland, mini operetta with
ballet for child soloists, mixed choir and orchestra (2004), 18’
Text written by Lalmi Hadbaoui
Ø Colors of the flag
Ø You Algeria
Ø I sing
Ø Conversations, 12 duets for two
violinists (to see chamber music)
Ø Pieces
for guitar & guitar duet (since 1998)
Ø Arrangements
for guitar solo and guitar duets of classical repertory: De Visée, Sanz, Bach,
Chopin, Aguado, Tarrega (since 1998)
Ø Arrangements
for guitar solo and guitar duets of traditional music and popular music from
Algeria, Arab world and Orient (since 1998)
Ø 2010-2011:
Maîtrise degree in Music and Musicology at the University Paris IV Sorbonne: Traditions musicale en Azerbaïdjan :
héritage et évolution, 100 p., director of research Jean-Jacques VELLY.
Ø 2011-2012 :
Master's Research degree in Music and Musicology at the University Paris IV
Sorbonne: Polyphonie orchestrale et
évolution de la musique orientale : le cas des Mugams symphoniques chez
Fikret Amirov, 226 p., director of research Jean-Jacques VELLY.
Ø 2012-2015:
PhD Musicologist researcher member of the research team Patrimoines, Langages
Musicaux at the University Paris IV Sorbonne. Research thesis: Al-Adhan, appel à la prière en Islam et
témoin pur du maqam, director of research François PICARD.
Main music
professional activities
Ø 2011-2015:
Composer in Residence with the Orchestre Symphonique Divertimento (Ile de
Ø July
/ August 2010: Composer in Residence and conductor of the festival Perinaldo (Italy).
Ø 2010:
Head and leader of the Arab Cantato Laboratory in Intercultural Centre of
Torino (Italy).
Ø 2008:
Producer and presenter of the program Lectures
musicales on Radio Culture in Algiers.
Ø 2006-2009:
Composer in Residence with the Algerian National Symphony Orchestra (the first
post in Algeria: seven compositions and 30 concerts).
Ø 2008:
Percussionist in the Algerian National Symphony Orchestra.
Ø 2005-2008:
Professor of harmony and counterpoint at the Institut Régional de la Formation
Musicale Algiers.
Ø Since
2007: Speaking passages and radio features on traditional Algerian music and
Arabic music.
Ø 1998-2007:
Professor of Classical Guitar (Laghouat, Blida, Algiers, Tipaza).
Ø 2005-2006:
Professor of Counterpoint to the Department of Musicology at the Ecole Normale
Superieure of Teachers of Algiers (ENS Kouba).
Ø 2001-2006:
Responsible for recording studios: technician, arranger, MAO, sound, editing
and mixing.
Ø Since
1998: Head of Algerian traditional music orchestras and classical Arabic music:
Laghouati Baroud (1998-1999) and Firqat al-Ouns (2000-2006) in Laghouat,
associations Al-Motribiya and Al-Wissal (2007-2008) at Blida.